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MISSION STATEMENT: As advocates and laborers for children, we are dedicated to providing essential survival needs- such as food, proper shelter and clothing- to Empower Futures, Energize Hope and Combat Hunger for children in underserved communities. 

Dee's Dreams 0213 duty to children is given from the heart, for love is our fuel, and when duty and love intertwines. It becomes the perfect path to travel that will lead to success of our mission.

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16: (NIV)

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Children suffer in silence daily, feeling the pain of hunger. The instability and uncertainty in their lives. Is there anything more morally bankrupt than to watch children suffer from the inability to have their daily needs meet? Please don't look the other way? Care for the children and help those that have dedicated themselves to their care. Help us-Help the children.

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